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Start your OWN chapter of Triota


Iota Iota Iota is currently organized as a network of student clubs. (We are not recognized as an "official" honor society by the Association of College Honor Societies because we do not yet have enough active chapters.) Talk to someone in your Student Life office to find out policies and procedures for establishing a club at your institution.

Step 1

Organize | Draft your Documents​

To start your own Triota Chapter, organize a group of student who are interested in doing this work! Draft by-laws and a constitution (you can base these documents of of our documents, found on the "about" page). 

Step 2

Submit your Documents | Inform your school

Once your documents are drafted, send them, along with any other relevant information to the Institute for Women's Studies and Services at Metropolitan State University of Denver. Once they receive this information, they will send you a letter to acknowledge you as a chapter of Iota Iota Iota and assign your Greek chapter letter. This is a letter than you can use to have your chapter officially recognized at your institution.

Step 3

Begin Organizing! 

Once you are an official organization and you have your chapter designation, the sky is the limit! You do not need to send dues to the Alpha Chapter. Any dues you collect should be for the operation of your own chapter. Feel free to set your dues at whatever level is appropriate for your institution. The Alpha Chapter currently asks for $10 per year in dues from members.

For more info, or to discuss possible collaborations, contact us >>
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